Macaroon Recipe Malaysia

Macaroon Recipe

Today, I want to show how to make macaroons. Apparently many are fans out there macaroon. Although this macaroon sweet but there are also pleased that, in fact this is the same who spoke also loved the macaroons. But a fence properly despite this macaroon sweet but delicious! I believe trying to do, for what? there is a sense that it's fun almond if want to eat chocolate. When we park fence is feeling exhausted!


35g egg white (leave 12 hours at room temperature)
40g ground almonds
65g icing sugar
15g caster sugar
A pinch of cream of tar tar
Coloring (optional)

Preparation method :

1. Sift the icing sugar and almond powder together. Set aside.

2. Add cream of tar tar in the eggs and stir briefly with a hand whisk.
Let stand for 1 minute.

3. Then begin to whisk the eggs with the speed 1 until it becomes smooth like a soap bubble.

4. At this stage, began to enter a little bit caster sugar (3-in 1).

5. After entering caster sugar, increase to high speed. Beat the eggs until hard beak shape scar on the paddle mixer and eggs in the bowl does not fall when the bowl is reversed.

6. Enter the dye and to speed 1 to beat with a whisk.

7. Mix the sugar and almond mixture into the egg stages (4 in). Stir the mix material slowly with reconstruction vortex. Stir until the mixture gets like cake batter viscosity. This process is called Macarronage stir.

8. Pipe batter on base paper cake tray. The size of the circle of 3.5 cm, can be 7-8 seeds macaron.

9. Allow to dry 40-45 mint.

10. After 30 minutes of drying time, begin to open the oven and bake at 150 C for 10 minutes-15 minutes (baking time may vary depending on the model because the actual oven).

11. Let cool and new macaron separated from the tray. If it is not broke later. Ok, ready to be adorned with your favorite filling.