Delicious Egg Yolks Recipe

Delicious Egg Yolks Recipe
Delicious Egg Yolks Recipe

Hello, hopefully you are always healthy and prosperous. Today I want to share the best tasty chicken recipe eggs. Egg Recipe - Eggs serve as the most popular home-cooked dishes. Eggs are the easiest to find. Delicious foods should not be expensive, but only eggs are enough. Eggs can be served in various ways to cook directly like cow's eyes. But when you're bored with the only egg, you can try the egg yolk recipe.

For the recipe I'll make this use chicken but you can also use Kisara meat or bacon meat. Why i have chicken Because I think when using chicken it tastes better and I am including people who love chicken.

This chicken packaged egg is very easy and does not require a lot of ingredients to make it and it would be nice to put a little pepper and salt first. But when using my burger meat I did not put anything.

We serve delicious egg yolks recipe that is perfect for both bachelors and overseas.

Ingredients (Recipes 1):

  •     2 eggs
  •     2 tbsp tomato sauce
  •     2 tbsp chilli sauce
  •     1 handful of chicken - cut into cubes
  •     1 big sweet soy sauce
  •     1 clove garlic - finely chopped
  •     1 tbsp oyster sauce
  •     1/2 big onion - cut into small cubes
  •     A little pepper and salt
  •     Little mix veggie - optional

Ingredients (Recipes 2):

Let's serve the delicious egg yolks recipe that is perfect for both bachelors and overseas.


  •     2 eggs
  •     2 tbsp tomato sauce
  •     2 tbsp chilli sauce
  •     1 handful of chicken - cut into cubes
  •     1 big sweet soy sauce
  •     1 clove garlic - finely chopped
  •     1 tbsp oyster sauce
  •     1/2 big onion - cut into small cubes
  •     A little pepper and salt
  •     Little mix veggie - optional

Ingredients (Recipes 3):

  •     2 pieces of chicken sliced
  •     1/2 holland onion chopped finely
  •     1 tomato seed and mix well
  •     1/2 stems of celery leaves are small
  •     1/2 vegetable mix (carrot, corn, peas)
  •     1 red chilli
  •     2 tablespoons of tomato sauce
  •     2 tablespoons chilli sauce
  •     1 tablespoon oyster sauce
  •     A slice of soup leaves or coriander leaves
  •     Pinch salt if necessary
  •     Oil to saute
  •     2 eggs

How to prepare:

  1.     Heat oil and fry onions holland so slightly wilted
  2.     Insert chicken breast slices and stir for a while until cooked chicken is cooked
  3.     Insert tomato slices, celery stems, chili and vegetables mixed and stirred flat
  4.     Sprinkle with chili sauce, tomato sauce and oyster sauce and stir again.
  5.     Sprinkle a pinch of salt if necessary
  6.     Before lifting can be sprinkled with soup leaves or coriander leaves.
  7.     In a separate pan, heat the oil and flush around the pan
  8.     Beat the chicken eggs and fry in a pan by spreading the pan to the egg evenly
  9.     Place the center in the middle and wrap the egg
  10.     Let the eggs crisp for a while and can be overturned into the dish.

How To Make The Egg Core

1. Fry the chicken with a little pepper and salt and then set aside.

2. Heat some oil in the pan and then add onion and garlic and leave for a while until it is wilted. After that, the chicken poultry inputs and salt salts have been applied. Let it ripen evenly

3. input the veggie mix and leave for a second. Then peel the sauce and stir well. When the core is too dry can add enough water. When the core is cooked aside.

How to Cook Chicken Wrap Cooking

1. beat the egg with a little salt and then heat the oil in the pan and put the egg in it. Use a small fire when cooking eggs.

2. so that the egg becomes a large and thin circle round the pan until all the eggs are flat. When the eggs are cooked and put in a large plate.

3. Place the nucleus above the egg and then fold the egg, take another plate and set the egg.

4. Lastly, now put an ornament on the eggs according to your taste and egg yolk packs are ready to be served.

Final Word ........

***Here is the recipe for a delicious chicken wrap that I share today and see the next article.


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