Sarawak Ethnic Cuisine: Tasty Sago Brew Recipe

Sarawak Food: Sago Brew
Sarawak Food: Sago Brew

Sarawak Food and Delicious Tasty Recipe, Sarawak SAGO Brew

Sago brew one of those foods I like it because it tastes chewy like jelly. Suitable as a dessert after dinner. You can also try it, i think you like this sago brew taste is absolutely fantastic.

Lets see the recipes:

  • ½ honeydew melon (save the other half for enjoying plain)
  • 1 cup sago (tapioca pearls)
  • ½-1 cup sugar (depending on how sweet your honeydew is)
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 cup coconut milk shake the can before measuring out the one cup otherwise you will have really thick coconut milk only)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 200 ml or 200 grams or 1 packet of concentrated coconut milk
  • 200 grams of sago pearl
  • 200 grams of palm sugar (gula melaka or gula apong)
  • Pinches of salt
  • 2-3 leaves of Pandan or screw pine leaves.


Make a simple syrup: Put water and sugar into a small pot and boil till sugar dissolves to make a syrup. Cool.

Boil the sago: Put a big pot of water to boil (to hold about 7 cups or more of water). When water comes to a boil, add sago to water and cook on med-high heat. Stir occasionally. 

Sago is done cooking when it looks translucent, about 8-10 mins. 

Caution: Don’t overcook the sago as it can become a sticky mess. Better to have a few pearls that have not turned translucent than to have a glop of melting sago.

Finally, ready to serve...hope you enjoy this dishes recipe.