Gulai Tempoyak Ikan Patin

Gulai Tempoyak Ikan Patin (Cat Fish)

Gulai Tempoyak Ikan Patin (Cat Fish)

2 tail fish (size XL cut into two parts)
15 pork chillies (follow suit)
1 inch turmeric live
2 tablespoon Tempoyak

Kesum leaves (likes to sit)

How to Make it
The Chili Rice and turmeric grains live until the end, but if you want to make the original mashed with a stone mortar again delicious.
One ingredient in a saucepan, and cooked over the fire until boiling.
Serve with hot rice with salted fish. Yeahhh !!!
Husbands love gravy and look more yellow! That looks royal yellow! Good luck!
Popular recipes from Temerloh Pahang are very special combined with sweet catfish and sweet sour tempoyak. It should be delicious to eat with hot rice. Definitely appealing!

500 grams of catfish, washed and dumped in fish, cut into small pieces up to 3cm
6 pcs of chilli beans, pounded
1 inch turmeric live, pounded
½ cup Tempoyak, pounded
1 liter of water
1 small handful of Kesum leaves (leaves only)
2 Cubic Fish Cube traps
2-3 Pieces of Acid Slices (if used)

Cooking method
1. At first, pound the rice chilli with a mortar or blend with a little water. Slow the pounded chilies and put them in the pan. Then, mix with Tempoyak and mix well.

2. Next, pour 1 liter of water and put the Speedy Fish Cube. Let it boil.

3. When the mixture starts to boil, add Patin Fish and heat the fire. Make sure the pot is closed and wait until the fish is completely cooked and gravy is reduced.

4. Finally, add and stir the leaves of kesum with the slices (if used) and let the boil boil on medium heat for 2-3 minutes.

5. Close the fire when it is cooked and serve Tempoyak Ikan Patin in a bowl and enjoy it with rice.


  • 2 fresh catfish
  • 2 tablespoon durian tempeh
  • 8 shallots grains
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 1 segment of turmeric
  • 2 large red chilies
  • 10 teaspoons
  • Lengkuas
  • Turmeric leaf
  • Tamarind
  • Lemon water
  • Salam
  • Step
  • 40 minutes

1. Clean catfish then grin with lemon water.

2. Prepare seasoning consisting of shallots, garlic, red chili, turmeric.

3. Add gratuitous.

4. Dissolve tempoyak with a little water.

5. Boil the water in the smuttering mixture.

5. Add tempoyak, add tamarind water, and bay leaf.

6. Put the catfish in the pan.

7. Put in chili, even spicy can be mixed with rice, wait until seasoning permeates and cooked fish, add chopped turmeric leaves.

8. Do not forget the salt and sugar, taste correction and ready to serve.😉

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