Sarawak Cultural Village is the Best Cultural Museum in South East Asia.
Rumah Bidayuh (Bidayuh House) Seven unique traditional houses, spread over a beautiful 17-acre site, gives you the perfect introduction to Sarawak, its cultures, whether you are looking for insight into longhouse lifestyle or a taste of exuberant Sarawak hospitality, Sarawak Cultural Village is a must visit for visitors to Kuching and Damai. Possibly the finest "Living Museum" in South East Asia, Sarawak Cultural Village combines history, tradition, lifestyle and architecture with a dash of education and portion of theatre to create a unique multi-cultural. "Explore Sarawak In a Half Day..." Sarawak is rich in history and heritage. It is also known as Land of The Hornbills. The population comprises of local ethnic groups namely Iban, Bidayuh, Orang Ulu, Melanau and other minor tribes plus the Malays, Chinese and Indians living together in harmony for more than a century. Being the largest state in Malaysia, Sarawak covers a vast area of 124,000 sq-km of land alon...